As I was scrolling through my newsfeed on Facebook today, a College Humour video popped up providing a wonderful "POV" (Point of View) take on a woman's experience visiting the Gynecologist for a routine checkup. According to a recent paper that our lab published, the video, although intended to be entertaining, does a pretty good job of covering some of the primary concerns that women have about a sexual health exam - but with one major caveat: the women in question need to be cisgender, heterosexual women for this video to apply!
Read MoreSexuality Pre-Conference at SPSP 2014
For the first time ever, the Society for Personality and Social Psychology's Annual Meeting included a Sexuality Pre-Conference. The speakers included: Lisa Diamond, Sari van Anders, Jose Bauermeister, Martie Haselton & Terri Conley.
You can view the live video feeds from the individual talks by clicking here.
We had a lot of wonderful live tweeters at the conference, so take a look at their scrolling summary below.
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