The COVID-19 Interpersonal & Social Coping Study
In March 2020, we launched an online daily diary study to better understand Canadians’ experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic. Below you can learn more about the results of our research study.
Reports & Publications
We are happy to share copies of our reports and publications that have resulted from our COVID-19 Interpersonal & Social Coping Study. As we complete more reports and additional publications are published, we will continue to update this page.
Bell, K.M., Holmberg, D., & Chapman, Z.A.* (2024). The perils of the unknown: Intolerance of uncertainty and intimate partner violence across the first four pandemic waves. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. Online first edition.
Courtice, E.L.*, Quinn-Nilas, C., Bickram, D.*, Wytoski, S.*, Hoskin, R.A., & Blair, K.L. (2021). Is the messenger the message? Canadian political affiliation and other predictors of mask-wearing frequency & attitudes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Canadian Journal of Beahvioural Science / Revue Canadienne des sciences du comportement, 55(1), 1-13. Doi: 10.1037/cbs0000297 PDF
O’Handley, B. * & Courtice, E.L. * (2022). Mental well-being, social support, and the unique experiences of transgender and nonbinary people during the COVID-19 pandemic. Canadian Journal of Human Sexuality, 31(2), 163-175.
Chapman, Z. (2023). Intolerance of uncertainty as a predictor of psychological aggression perpetration amongst LGBTQ+ and non-LGBTQ+ individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Acadia University Honours Thesis.
Cross, H. (2023). Love in the pandemic: A model for predicting romantic relationship functioning, quality, and stability over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic. Acadia University Honours Thesis.
Irvin, N. (2022). Prayer and perpetration source as predictors of the mental well-being of victims of psychological aggression. Acadia University Honours Thesis.
Cadman, K. (2022). Psychological aggression victimization and perceived social support as predictors of mental well-being in same-sex and mixed-sex relationships. Acadia University Honours Thesis.
Holwell, G. (2022). Does who you live with matter? Differences in relational and individual functioning by living arrangement during the COVID-19 pandemic. Acadia University Honours Thesis.
O’Handley, B. (2022). Vulnerability and resilience: A longitudinal examination of minority stress and coping processes in a sample of LGBTQ+ individuals during the COVID-19 pandemic. Trent University MSc Psychology Thesis.
Chandra, K. (2022). No end in sight: Coping with a mass shooting during the COVID-19 pandemic. Trent University Honours Thesis.
Fitzgerald, E. (2022). The relationship between attitudes, views, and causal attributions in the wake of four mass shootings. Trent University Honours Thesis.
LGBTQ+ Experiences
During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Canada
COVID-19 Pandemic: Nova Scotian Experiences
Learn more about how Nova Scotians have coped during the COVID-19 Pandemic
Experiences with Intimate Partner Violence
During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Mask Wearing During COVID-19
Nova Scotian & Canadian Perspectives Prior to the July 31st Mandatory Mask Law in NS
COVID-19 Resources
Below, we have compiled a list of resources where you can read up-to-date information about the current global status of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Public Health Agency of Canada Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Page
Centres for Disease Control and Prevention Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Page
Coping Resources
Below, we have compiled a list of resources that may help you to cope with the ongoing COVID-19 global pandemic.
How to Cope with the Mental Health Impacts of Covid-19 (GoodTherapy)
300,000 books are free to download from New York Public Libraries
Live virtual concerts streaming live daily (list compiled by NPR)
Below, we have compiled a list of resources for those who need mental health support or are experiencing interpersonal violence
Nova Scotia Domestic Violence Resource Centre (Nova Scotia)
Nova Scotia Advisory Council on the Status of Women – Resources (Nova Scotia)
Transition House Association of Nova Scotia (Nova Scotia)
National Domestic Violence Hotline (United States; includes LGBTQ resources)
Hot Peach Pages – International Directory of Domestic Violence Agencies (International)
PLFAG Canada Resources (Canada LGBTQ Resources)
The Lifeline Canada Foundation Mental Health Resources (Canada, US, International; includes LGBTQ resources)
prideHealth (Nova Scotia; LGBTQ physical and mental health services)
Nova Scotia Mental Health Crisis Line – 1.888.429.8167
Many participants asked to see the images/quotes that were displayed at the end of each of the daily diaries so we’ve posted them here!
Research Funding
This research project is funded by a grant from the Nova Scotia COVID-19 Health Research Coalition and our grand prize draw was donated by Shelter Canadian Properties Limited.