The Meaning Behind the KLB Research Logo Design
KLB Research began in 2004 with the of promoting and demonstrating the importance, feasibility, and utility of LGBTQ2S Inclusive Research Methods, specifically within the field of Relationships Research. Consequently, KLB Research has always had the slogan of "Valuing Diversity in Academic Research," but until recently, KLB Research has lacked a logo to complement the slogan!
The biggest challenge in creating a logo for KLB Research was adequately representing all of the facets of my research interests in a single image. It also did not help that most of the topics that I investigate are rather abstract: relationships, love, social support, social justice, etc. To help with the logo design, I ran a contest on I highly recommend the website if you are looking for a new logo! The process was fun and a number of different designers put forward their work and all were very responsive to suggestions. In the end I had a very difficult time picking just one logo. (Confession, I bought two because the second place design was so good I felt badly that the designer didn't get anything for his efforts!)
The winning logo is now proudly displayed on this website and the various KLB Research social media accounts. Below is some more detail on how I read meaning into each of the pieces of the logo.
Social Justice